Clever Machines
Album of chamber and solo works featuring Transient Canvas, Box Not Found, Peridot Duo, Nicole Parks, Sarah Bob, Sarah Brady, Amanda Romano Foreman, Philipp Stäudlin, Matt Sharrock, Amy Advocat, Natalie Cristina Calma Gómez, Kevin Price, Stephanie Lamprea, Rose Hegele, Daniel T. Lewis, and Aaron Jay Myers. Released by New Focus Recordings on June 4, 2021
Listen to/Purchase the album at any of these:
New Focus Recordings
Amazon (digital)
Amazon (hard copy)
Naxos Direct
Barnes & Noble
…But I’m Doing It Anyway
Album of chamber works featuring Chamber Cartel, 2018
Aaron’s punk/hardcore/metal/prog band with Stefanie Lubkowski, Brian Church, Greg Nahabedian, and Steven Moreno
Aaron’s avant-metal band (elements of black metal, death metal, doom metal, free jazz, and more) with Dennis Sullivan, and Steven Moreno, plus special guest Forbes Graham
Album released through Total Dissonance Worship and our own Bandcamp Page
Four out of six pieces are recorded for my next album of chamber works. Stay tuned! - AJM, 1/29/22